Now page

Here is a little description of the work currently being done and also some personal updates.

Last update: 12.2.2025

Current software projects:

  • Honestly not sure

Personal focus/general stuff:

  • I started playing electric guitar! It has been a fun relaxation habit, and Yousician app (currently finishing lvl 4) has been a great learning tool for my absolute musical unskill.
  • Reading 12 Rules for Life by J. B. Peterson.
  • I'm starting to cut some weight (currently roughly 92kg, goal is about 82), getting ready for a late spring/early summer ultramarathon.
  • Learning how to cut my own hair, which is quite a bad idea, but it's fun and cheap. Using scissors and machine also.

My next events:

  • Start of next semester in mid-February. Many classes look quite good.
  • Going to Barcelona with my sister at the end of March! Looking foward to that.
  • Slipknot concert in June!
  • Flying to USA in the summer, probably the biggest thing of this year. West Coast dream roadtrip.